Thursday, December 9, 2010

We'll start with the painting pictures...

This is what it looked like before we started.

I tried a few different test colours before I decided
which one I liked.

Moving right along...

I left to buy more paint and this is what I came home to...

Roberto claims no one told him we weren't going to
paint the ceiling too...

Yimy standing on the ledge OUTSIDE the house and painting
the OUTSIDE wall because "...that's a part of the house too..."
I guess 'cause you can see it through the window?

In the ensuing "discussion" he said they painted it last time too...
In a year and a half of passing that window twenty
times a day...I never noticed.

And, um...speaking of safety issues...

Part of me was like, "That's so not a good idea!" but another
part of me was like, "Yea...but we do need to paint up to
the top of that wall..."

This would be Yimy starting something he couldn't finish...

But he learned an important life lesson,
so I think it was all good...

After we finished the painting, it was time to start the decorating.  The guys were into it 'cause I promised them pizza...

No one has their shirt on because it was like 30 C in the house.
Merry Christmas from Bolivia!

That picture kind of gives you and idea of the colours we used for the walls...

If you look closely at Andres...

He's just full of Christmas spirit...

Andres and I ended up decorating the tree on our own...

...'cause this is what happened when the pizza was finished...

Andres wanted to put the star on first, but I explained
it had to be the last ornament to go on the tree. 
He humoured me...with one of his,
"The gringo's at it again." looks.

Every year when I take our tree out of the box I think it looks like the needles were made out of plastic garbage bags.  But then, once it's doesn't look too bad.  We haven't finished decorating yet (tomorrow) so I'll post a few more pics when we're done.  But it was a fun night...



Amy said...

It looks great! Love the tree, and the wall colors are fabulous!

Jason said...

Hey, I don't remember this window, where is it? Lol

Kate said...

The wall colour really warms things up! Not literally I poor things. (not) LOL You need a little Saskatchewan snow.

Wiebe Family said...

LOL Kate.
I am waiting for pictures of your place totally decorated for Christmas. So when you get a minute....

Kate said...

Yeah, because Char doesn't have enough Christmas decorations in her life.