Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A few people have been writing and asking how they can get involved in supporting us financially, so I thought I'd just throw the information up here.  If you'd like to help out, you can write me at or contact International Teams directly at 1-800-465-7601.  They can take it from there. 

Thanks to all of you who are praying and supporting us financially.  We're a growing family, so every little bit helps.  That's one of the great things about living in a third world goes a long ways down here. 

As a funny side note, I think I'm turning into my Dad. 

"Who just left their bedroom and didn't turn off the lights?!"

"Are you trying to air condition Bolivia with the fridge?!  Close the door!"

"Are you eating AGAIN?"

Being the guy who pays the bills isn't that much fun as it turns out...  =)

Thanks everyone.  Later today or tomorrow I'll post pictures of our painting adventure and decorating for Christmas...  =)



Kate said...

Who knew you could get to that level of "Dad-ness" without changing any diapers! LOL Welcome to the world of stretching a tight budget my friend. Do they go through an entire family size box of cereal and 4 litres of milk in one day? That's what does me in!