Thursday, December 16, 2010

You know that story about the grasshopper with a hole in the roof of his house?  And when it's sunny he goes out and parties while the ants fix their roofs?  And then when it rains he's all annoyed 'cause his house is flooding and no one wants to help him fix the roof?

I'm not totally sure on the details of that's been awhile...but my point is, I think I'm the grasshopper.  I'm sure anyone who knows me is laughing right now and saying, "You think you're the grasshopper?!"

I was just sitting here thinking that I really need to go buy new windshield wipers for my truck.  I've known for about...six months or so...that my wipers are shot.  But it's been the dry season so who cares right?  But then on Sunday I got caught in a monsoon rain and I could see through about an inch and a half of my windshield where the wiper was working.  And of course that inch and a half was down by the dashboard so I was all scrunched up with my head turned sideways so I could see.  It wasn't very comfortable.  Or safe probably. 

But the problem is, it's such a pain to buy windshield wipers here.  You can't just go to Canadian Tire and look up the number in the handy guide and be out of the store in ten minutes.  It's a little more complicated.  There're markets involved and arguing with the guy selling the wipers about the price and then the thirty other people who are convinced you need chrome caps for the air nozzles on your tires (I don't, by the way...I bought them when I was getting my windows tinted) or plastic wind flow thingys for over your windows so the wind doesn't go into your truck when the windows are down. 

Hmm...that was quite the descriptive sentence, but I really don't know what to call them.  All I know is that the guy selling them CANNOT believe I don't want them for my truck.  He's quite insistent.  And then when I say no...twenty or thirty times...he walks away with a sad/disgusted/annoyed look on his face.  It's awkward. 

At any rate, I definitely have a love/hate relationship with the automotive market here.  It can be fun sometimes, but too often you go in for a twenty cent bulb for your tail light and you come out with a new car alarm system. 

Uh...not that that actually happened.  Nope.  Who would ever do that?  That'd be dumb.

So in the end, I'm faced with a dilemma.  Do I go and buy those windshield wipers or do I just put it off for one day more.  The way I see it, it's sunny and hot today and I'm sure it'll stay that way for at least a few more days. 

Besides grasshoppers are cooler than ants.


Kate said...

Ants can lift 10 times their own body weight and some of them can fly. AND they prepare for winter ahead of time. I'd say that is pretty cool. I also cannot get over the fact that it took you 40 years to maybe, possibly admit that you are a grasshopper. Stop procrastinating and go get the darn wipers. Or tell me the make and model and I will send you some really cool ones from here. Aaron just replaced mine. Before the situation got desperate.

Ken said...

Grasshoppers are way more fun at parties and they can stomp on ants when they get annoying...

But yea...I'll go get the wipers soon... =)

Lundy Wilder said...

The solution as I see it is to wait in the car and send a national (one of the boys) in to get the wiper blades. Have him take one of the old blades w/ him so they seller can see exactly what it should look like. This way you can stay in the car (bring your book) and the kid can be the ant, you can remain the (thinking) grasshopper and the process will be faster at getting the lowest price.

Kate said...

Are grasshoppers good at getting free food too? Cause you are for sure one if that is the case. LOL