Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We're still working on the Christmas decorations, so those pictures will have to wait.  Yes, yes...I's only ten days until Christmas.  But it's not our fault...the decorations keep falling down.  Everything here is cement, so we've been trying to tape things to the walls.

It's cooler than that just me.

At any rate, the tape won't hold and every morning everything's on the ground.  We're working on the situation.

But in the meantime, here are a few pictures of Americo and Cocoliso's graduation...

Andres with Cocoliso...while we waited for the grad to start.
And waited...and waited...and waited...

Coco with two of his sisters, Lupe and Isabel.

And finally, at 9 o'clock...three hours after the stated
commencment time...everyone had arrived and we got started.

Coco with his new diploma...

You couldn't wipe the smiles off their faces!

The graduating class of 2010!

You can give a guy a diploma, but you can't
make him hold it right-side up...

Americo enjoying the supper after the grad...

The next night after the graduation (Sunday) Americo's family (who'd travelled from different cities) had a supper for him....

The tables and chairs were curtesy of our house, but the
rest of the decorations were done by Americo's
nieces and nephews...

Americo "helping" his brother BBQ...

Then the rain started...

We borrowed some tarps from next door
to try and put up a roof...

The good thing was, no one let a little (or a LOT)
of rain dampen their enthusiasm!

Eventually we got it figured out.

The only problem was, you never quite knew where
the roof was going to suddenly let go with a
ton of water!

A few people got surprised...

A couple of Americo's nieces hiding out under the
eaves of the house...

Finishing the cooking!

Everyone dry and happy!  It wall worked out in the end...

I always enjoy when I have the opportunity to hang out with the families of the guys.  Sometimes it takes a bit for everyone to feel comfortable (I am, after all, a gringo!).  =)  But once we're all used to the situation, it's fun to just talk and hang out.  I like being a part of their families.  So far, they've all enjoyed having me...I think... 

All in all, it was a great couple of days!  We had fun...rain and late grads and all....



Amy said...

Looks like a great night! Congrats to the guys! :)

Kate said...

Congratulations you guys!!!