Friday, February 24, 2012

Bolivia has a "Day" for everything.  "Day of the Mother", "Day of the Father", "Day of the Student", "Day of the Worker", "Day of Friendship", "Day of the Woman", "Day of the Navy", "Day of the Child"....there are many more that I forget.

So...why not "The Day of Ken"?   

It seems my friends Jorge and Tonchy feel bad that I've had a few lame weeks/months here so they've declared tomorrow my "Day".  It feels a bit pathetic and needy...but it takes more effort to argue so...  =)  I figure it'll be fun.  Whatever I want to do tomorrow afternoon (it seems "Day of Ken" only lasts for an afternoon) we're doing. 

I'm thinking pizza and a movie (both air conditioned venues).  At any one younger than thirty is invited.  If this turns out well, I'm thinking of maybe going international with the idea...
I'll let you know.

It seemed an appropriate moment to post this picture.


Amy said...

I will so celebrate this.

Kate said...

The international day of Ken. I like it. Sounds like an event that requires cupcakes.