Friday, February 17, 2012

To balance all the seriousness here lately, I offer you this.  Yimy, Jose Manuel and Americo's first view of snow.  Well...sort of snow.  Hail really.  But close enough.  They'd never seen either before...

It was lots of fun!  Ignore me cutting off the guy in the van.  He didn't honk so it wasn't even close....

So that makes it an earthquake, a tornado and an epic hail storm in the past few months for Cochabamba.  I think "End of Days" is starting in Coch...


Belinda said...

That is a fun and awesome video Ken! Just to let you know Amy & I walked up all the stairs to see the Cristo but then again it was sunny and warm not hailing out:)

Kate said...

But you did tell them that you can't really play in the snow in Canada in your t-shirt, right? LOL Looks like you guys had a blast!