Sunday, July 25, 2010

If you have a moment today or tomorrow, I have something you can pray about.  I was laughing with Maribel on Thursday that I'm going have a big celebration when the day comes that everyone in the house is happy at the same time.  =)  She laughed and said that she'd celebrate right alongside me.  Right now, most of the guys are doing well.  Moods have been good...everyone's been helpful (they even scrubbed down the kitchen on Friday without being asked!)...things are happy.  All except for one guy.  He kind of cycles through these rough moments, and every few weeks or so, we kind of have to suffer along with him.  I try to have patience, but there are definitely moments when I hit the end of my rope.  Right now I'm kind of hanging on with one hand.

I know there's a lot happening inside him.  I know he's struggling still with a lot of pain from his past.  I want to be able to help him, but he's pretty closed off most days.  So I just keep praying.  But still gets frustrating.

So if you could pray for him and for the rest of us...that'd be great.  Pray for peace and healing for him, and wisdom and (definitely) patience for me.  Thanks for praying guys!

PS  And in case you were wondering, it's sunny and nice today.  I guess winter's finished with us...hopefully anyhow.  But now the winds have started.  The next month or so will be dry, hot and incredibly windy.  But then the rains will start and we'll be flooded out...and after that the heat will come back and scorch us to within an inch of our lives...and after that...  =)

I wouldn't be a Saskatchewan farm boy if I didn't keep you updated on the weather...


Kate said...

Weather definitely is a Saskatchewan thing. Because it changes every 5 minutes. I'll keep praying!