Saturday, July 24, 2010

This is what happens when I leave my room unlocked...

Then one of the other guys comes in and, without missing a beat, says "Hermano Ken!  It's time to get up!  Let's go!"

Yea, the guys think they're pretty funny.  All the time.  Every day.  All ten of them.  David has started, everytime someone annoys him or mocks him (which is alot it seems), looking up at the heavens, pointing to the offending guy, and making a "Really?  Are you sure?  I could get rid of him right now..." kind of a look.  So far it's been keeping me fairly entertained.

The sun is shining today and we're off to David's soccer game.  He plays for his university, so it should be a good game.  The university is happy with me...they couldn't win a game to save their lives before, but I brought along three good players (some of my guys who aren't studying there but wanted to play on a team).  David is probably going to get a full scholarship next year (he's at 50% right now), so that's a happy thing too.  It's the Christian university in town, and it's a quality education, so...everyone's pleased.

We'll see how they do today.