Friday, July 30, 2010

We had a meeting with the guys and our pastors this afternoon, about some things that happened while I was in Canada.  It wasn't anything that the guys fact, it was something that one of the young guys in our church did to them.  He was kind of disrespectful to them in a rushed moment.  I know the guy and I know he feels bad.  But at the same time, the whole situation wasn't handled very well, and my guys ended up feeling pretty uncomfortable with what happened. 

Anyhow, we talked it out finally today, and I think it'll be okay.  We talked alot about the importance of forgiveness...something that's tough for some of the guys.  In their experiences it's always been easier to just leave and go somewhere else.  Which, actually, is what one of the guys has done (in terms of churches).  But Tonchi talked to him and asked him to give the church family another chance.  Hopefully he will.  In all honesty, what happened wasn't great or anything...but it wasn't that big of a deal either.  Certainly not worth changing churches over...

At any rate, now I'm off to get the results of my latest rounds of medical tests.  The other tests were to tell us what I don't have.  These are supposed to tell us what I do have.

Feel free to pray about any and/or all of this.  =)


Kate said...

Yeah, let us know. That whole "I don't know what I have but I will get treated for it when I get back" kind of has me worried.