Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The lastest video of life at our house...

Forty hours of editing for a four minute video.  =)  But still fun!
Hope you enjoy it...


Anonymous said...

Great video Ken! Thanks for sharing!

Jess Ehlers said...

This is awesome Ken! I love that you captured the regular, every day things.

Kate said...

Good one~! I managed to get through...almost...then it got me the last 20 seconds or so. Miss you.

Ken said...

That's what I was going for Kate...

Wiebe Family said...

ooookaaay, so how did i miss this? thanks for sharing! I really really REALLY want to come down there! Everytime i see a video of yours it makes me want to come visit you even more! Miss ya my friend, and thanks for the visit while you were home :)

Matt_Jones81 said...

Hi Ken
what a great video, no words are needed the video says it all. I miss Bolivia so much and cannot wait to get back out there, in the Lords time. I will be remembering you in my prayers.
Take care and God Bless