Friday, March 9, 2012

"Oye" is our catch all word in Spanish for a variety of things.  In this context in means...

"Oops, I just forgot a 7 AM doctor's appointment for a 82 year old gentleman we're helping....the 14 minute video I'm uploading seems to be stuck at 21% after 25 hours of uploading and says that there's 3256 minutes to go....the storm that swept through Santa Cruz last night did a number on my room (I wasn't home) and literally flooded the entire floor of my beadroom and soaked everything and now my room smells like a musty bank card got cancelled this week and has been causing all kinds of problems...oh, and the water got cut off for lack of payment last night (it's back on now though)...."

Okay that last one just makes me laugh.  But the rest of it?



Kate said...

You need a personal assistant. And by personal assistant I of course mean wife. They do stuff like remember to pay bills, close windows and write down appointments. ;0) Oye is right!