Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's crazy, but it's been almost two months since I last posted here.  I guess my only defense would be that I've been enjoying seeing my family and friends in sunny Saskatchewan (that's in Canada for those of you who aren't sure...). 

I'll soon be back in Bolivia though.  Saturday night to be exact.  Until then, I'll be enjoying seeing friends and family in Ontario for a couple of days.  And upstate New York.  I'm actually writing this from a bus on my way from Rochester back to Canada.  Free WiFi on a bus!  Those crazy Americans...

Anyhow, come next week I'm sure I'll have things to say and updates to write.  Hopefully there'll be more than three people still coming here.  Guess we'll see.

If I saw you this was great to hang out!  If I didn't see you...that's lame and I promise we'll do something when I'm  home next!

We're approaching the boarder and my favourite people... immigration.  Guess I'd best go.

Hasta pronto!


Colleen McCubbin said...

More than 3 people? Well, you can count me as one.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ken! Yes, it was good to lay eyes on you...even if only for a short time. Greet the boys from the Gringo fan-base.


Trevor Hagan said...

Hey I am one of those Peoples too! I have to keep track of you somehow!

Kate said...

The boarder hey? Is that the dude that sleeps at the border? Great seeing you this time around! Next time longer! And I still want your pictures.