Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I haven’t written anything much in the past week because...well, how much do people really want to know about my life with Typhoid. The last post pretty much sums it up. It’s crazy...I sort of feel better (there’s just an underlying feeling of nausea most of the time) until I eat something. Then the whole hello it doesn’t taste as good the second time thing happens.

Can I just’s making me grumpy. And trust me when I tell you it’s tough to live with ten other people when you’re chronically grumpy. I’m trying not to take it out on them, but there are definitely moments. We’re in the middle of exams here too, so the guys are a bit tense at times as well. It makes for an interesting dynamic.

On a separate but related note, I noticed a funny thing about myself last night. Okay, technically this is something I’ve known for awhile, but I finally acknowledged it to myself last night and I’m admitting it to all of you today, so...

When I’m frustrated or annoyed about something, I assign inanimate objects emotions and desires, and I think they’re purposely trying to make my life worse. That’s kind of weird right? My IPod for example. Last night I was playing a game on it and I kept losing. In my head I was fully convinced that my IPod was doing it on purpose. I mean, in the light of day I know that’s not true (mostly), but in the darkness of night (literally...I didn’t pay the electric bill on time and they shut us off until 9:30 PM) I felt like my IPod had it in for me. I sat there and muttered away to myself (and my IPod) until I finally had to put it down.

I do that with other things too. My computer (a lot)...

My fan...although I guess to be fair it’s served me well these past years and the fact that now it just sits there and hums and does nothing while the motor overheats may not be completely its fault. But when I have to squeeze my fingers in between the metal grill and try to flick the fan blades to help them get going, I’m not always convinced it’s not just being lazy. I know I should be patient and gentle with it, but most days lately I just want to toss the whole thing out the window and watch it suffer a little.

I bought three pairs of sunglasses last summer when I was home and last week all three pairs broke within two days of each other. You’re going to tell me that wasn’t planned?

I could add every taxi driver in the city to this list except that they’re not inanimate objects and they really are out to make my life miserable.

At any rate, all I’m saying is it’s tough when everything you own is trying to destroy you.

So...if you could please pray that the Typhoid goes away soon, I would appreciate it. I really didn’t even keep the Cup O’ Soup down today. I’m going back to the doctor on Thursday, so I’ll know more then. It sure seems like my body didn’t get the news that I was getting better.

Pray for the guys as well. Not just that they’ll live through this without Ken killing them (although...), but also for their exams and final projects for the year. I think they’re all doing okay, but it’s still stressful for them. Some of them are down to their last couple of weeks.

Anyhow...thanks for taking the time to read my craziness. I feel better when I can rant a little. I also feel better when I see pictures on Facebook of what people in Saskatchewan woke up to this morning and I know that I’m thousands of miles away...

That’d be snow.

Thanks guys!


Candra said...

You're my hero.

Kate said...

I felt bad for you until the snow comment. That is where my sympathy ends. And yes...I am pretty sure that every THING and every ONE is out to get you. Because you my friend, are sarcastic. And nobody likes it when you think you are being funny. Mr. Hot Pants. With your sun and your swimming and your shorts in November. Your fan IS on a mission. And he's working for us.

Ken said...

Not sarcasm Kate...just a friendly encouragement to come visit me... =)