Monday, April 12, 2010


While I'm uploading other videos, I'll post this for your enjoyment.  I took some friends up into the mountains to some cool waterfalls a couple of weeks ago.  The road was...interesting.  Ron hung out the window to video one of the better parts.  The round part where the camera jumps around?  That was Ron hitting his head on the top of the door.  My favourite part would be Logan and Lukas laughing in the background...  =)



swilek said...

no wonder you need your beloved 4 wheel drive! very different from the roads in SK!! but such amazing scenery!

Ken said...

It's a beautiful drive for sure. But that video didn't do it justice. =) It gets crazy in a few places...

Kate said...

Personally, I would have been busting a gut at the "Ken is the man" part. LOL