Monday, February 15, 2010


Civil war has finally broken out in Bolivia. There’s been quite a bit of fighting in the streets and today it spread from the centre areas of the city into the outlying neighbourhoods. People were even fighting in our neighbourhood earlier today. It’s crazy....neighbours are fighting neighbours and family members are against family members. It’s pretty brutal.

We ventured out for a bit this afternoon and actually got caught in some of the worst fighting. We managed to get clear, but we had a few injuries and one casualty. I did get some pictures, so I figured out post them to give you an idea of what it’s like here...
Fighting in the streets...

They start them young here...

Alan and Roberto laughing it off...

Smiling through the pain...

Taking one for the team...

Rearming and getting ready to head out again...

Friendly fire...

You can never have enough weaponry...

Ready for the battle once again...

As the war continued, society started to break down,
and we saw people begin to revert to strange
tribal customs

Gangs began to roam the streets...

The gringo kids were brave little troopers...

Every little bit helped...

The battle got ugly sometimes...

My friend Ron, just moments before a shot to the side of his head sent
his glasses into the great hereafter.  He's now least until Wednesday
when we can get him new glasses...

In the end, we took a few hits....

But we're heading back out tomorrow, so I guess it's all good...
Ah, Carnaval...always entertaining.  For three days Bolivia (and most of South America) errupts into a nation wide water fight.  There are, of course, less savoury parts to Carnaval, but we stick to a few water balloons and cans of spray foam.  The guys will be multi-coloured for a few days...but then so will most of the country, so it hardly matters.  Like I said, we'll be heading back out into the battle tomorrow.  As with all good generals, I stick to my air-conditioned (and windows up) truck where I can direct the troops. 
We all have our parts to play people....


Kate said...

You scared the CRAP out of me!!! That's hilarious!

Wiebe Family said...

i know me too! Yeesh. And after that last post it is good to see that there is some fun stuff going on there too!!! I thought about that last one all evening and prayed for you guys all evening. Hope all is well my friend!

Ken said...

Thanks for praying guys! That's great. I'd say sorry for scaring you...but I'm really not. =) We're having lots of fun and I'm just waiting for the guys to fill more water balloons so we can go out again. It's raining like crazy today and there are still hundreds of people out throwing water balloons and spraying us with waterguns...

I'ts awesome! =)

Anonymous said...

War really is hell! LOL Those are great pictures :)


Ken said...

Ha ha...thanks Vinnie... =)