Saturday, February 6, 2010


Well...we could use some prayer down here.  Tonight here at the house, we had one of the craziest spiritual attack/battles I've ever my life...and now I leave in four and a half hours...for three days.  I know it'll be fine, but I'm still a little...not really nervous exactly...I just wish I was going to be around.  Our pastor is going to make sure he hangs out here while I'm gone, but it would be great to know that people back home are praying specifically for this.  If you could pray for protection for the guys and for the house...that'd be great.  As well, as sense of spiritual unity and support for each of them towards each other.  Oh...and I'm going to be a bit tired tomorrow, I some extra strength and patience for me would be a good thing too...  =)

Anyhow...I know this is all a bit cryptic...sorry about that.  I just can't really get into it all.  God knows what's going on, so....  =)  Thanks everyone!