Saturday, March 2, 2013

Last year I wrote a little about this family and how I know them.  I haven't seen them in awhile, but last week as I drove past the Cristo statue and stopped at the traffic light, Christian came running out from the sidewalk waving his list of school supplies.  I have no idea how many days he'd been there watching for me, but I guess he knew I'd drive past eventually.

You should read the above link, but just in case you don't, Christian and his brothers are shoeshiner kids I got to know a number of years ago.  I help them out whenever I can and I took Christian and his brother to buy their school supplies last year.

So we made plans to get together this morning to buy the supplies they need for this school year (school starts in February here). 

Larry and I arrived at the house only to be handed the school lists of all the kids (six) who are currently in classes (there are ten kids all together).  But it's tough to say no when you see how this family lives and how hard they're trying to stay together and maintain a "normal" life.

We picked up Maribel...after being lost for half an hour on a "shortcut".  The funny part was the family was so excited about everything we I don't think it mattered much.  I imagine it was the first time for the two youngest girls to ride in a car or truck or vehicle in general (other than a city bus).

We also went by the children's home where Andres and Sandro have their soccer ministry.  I wanted to show the boys and invite them to be a part of it.  I think they were excited about it because I got asked about every five minutes for the rest of the morning when I was going to take them back.   =)  So they'll be going next week for sure!

Maribel went with the kids' mom and Christian to buy everything while Larry and I entertained the two girls and little Brian.  Turns out it's tough to entertain little kids in a vehicle for an hour and a half. 

So I taught them rock, paper, scissors.  It was lots of fun.

The three youngest. 
I wish I'd gotten a picture of the disgust on Brian's face
right after this from having his sister's arm around him...
...without his sister's arm around him...
Rock, paper, scissors...
Funny enough...Larry lost a lot...he's a bit predictable.
If you look closely his arm is actually red....
It's mostly from me...I don't claim to be the best parent.
Seriously...this went on for like an hour.  Kid are weird. 
Back at the house with all the bags of school supplies.
There were lots of smiles and happy faces!
Mom and the kids looking through their bags of goodies!
I still really love their purple house with green chairs....

It helps to have these moments when life get's grumpy.  It's good to remember that God has good plans for us.  I also need to say a big thank you to the Christian School kids...they're coming in a month and some of the extra ministry money they raised went towards buying these school supplies.  It was over $300 US for everything, so it was a huge blessing to have those funds!  I don't know you all yet, but THANKS GUYS!

And that was my morning...


Amy said...

:) Well done. Love this. Such a beautiful family!