Thursday, March 3, 2011


It's been a strange couple of years health wise for me.  It started when I got rear-ended with my truck and they thought I'd broken a vertebrae in my neck.  The medical people suddently came over to my bed after looking at the x-ray and tried to stabilize my head.  Of course they didn't have a collar so they made one out of cardboard and gauze.  It didn't really work.   

Then there was the crazy "Ken you only have one kidney.  And it might have cancer." conversation.  That was a weird one.

And now it's Typhoid and a stomach that doesn't really like most foods.  I've lost 30 lbs (which is nice) but I'm tired of not really knowing what's going on.  As a weight loss system I don't really recommend it.

Anyhow...tomorrow I'm off in the cold and snow to Kindersley (a couple of hours from Saskatoon for those of you who don't know) to get a camera put down my throat.  I've had this done before and it rates high on my list of things I don't like much.  So I'd appreciate prayer. 

Thanks everyone.  I'll let you know how it goes...  =)

UPDATE:  Things went well.  I was sitting there in my smock and robe watching all the old people recover from their test (there was a line) and everyone seemed to be in good spirits.  I thought, "Maybe I'm just the wimpy one..."  I've had this test done before, and I HATE it. 

When when it was my turn to get an IV I asked the nurse about it and she told me that they knock you right out.  Seriously?  Excellent...  So I was in my happy place when they stuck the big camera down my throat (unconscious).  As per usual, my blood preasure and heart rate dropped during the exam (that's normal for me) so they kept me in a bit longer than everyone else (ie. the 80 year old grandpa) but that was fine.  The lady paramedic was kind of cute.  Although...she was in her paramedic uniform (I think she was just helping out) and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why the RCMP were in my hospital room.  I also seemed to think that talking about my boxers would make me seem cool.  Seriously kids...don't do drugs.

The nurse didn't know much about the results, but she said that if it was anything serious, the doctor would have asked to talk to me before I left.  He didn't.  So whatever it is, it seems it's not a big deal.  I'll know more next week.  So...there you go...


Candra said...

Definitely praying for you Ken!

Wiebe Family said...

Glad things went well...boxer talk and all :)

Kate said...

I was worried about you! We prayed. Looking forward to seeing tomorrow. Don't forget!

Amy said...

Thanks for the update, Ken. I've been praying, and I'll surely keep it up! :)

Christie Tuttosi said...

Good stuff Ken. I've had a gastroscopy as well...medication is a wonderful thing. Would much rather watch my patients have one that do it myself. Anyhow, glad to hear it went well. Praying that our God shows His might and strength by healing us both. Hugs, Christie