This is our story....
In 2006, while working at a home for guys coming off the streets, God gave me an idea. It was the dream of something better for the young men I was working with, the dream of a life free from the bondages and addictions of the past. Due to abuse or abandonment, these boys had ended up on the streets, often as young as six or seven years old. Some had been born onto the streets by parents who lived there.
Over time, that dream God gave me began to take shape. I envisioned opening a home where guys who had graduated from high school could live and study. A place where they could be encouraged and discipled as they continued their education.
In February of that year, we opened with seven guys. We began building a team of volunteers who enjoyed getting to know and working with the guys. God sent a number of gifted and compassionate people our way. Life in the new house began to take shape.
That first year was a learning experience. We found that, although they had graduated from high school, many of the guys were not prepared to study at a university level. One of the boys was ready to leave after his first semester, after failing a number of his classes. So we hired tutors to work with the guys in the areas where they were struggling.
As well, we quickly filled all the beds in the house, and as a result had to say no to a number of young guys, due to a lack of space and finances. Tuition costs, food and other expenses have all continued to rise over the past three years. Housing and feeding ten growing guys, along with an increasing number of other young men who’ve needed help, has been a challenge. Many of the guys, both within the house and those outside who we help, are still dealing with issues and pain from their pasts. The path to freedom can be a difficult and challenging one.
With vision comes new dreams and new challenges. This house has been a blessing for us, but after three short years, we’ve outgrown it. It’s time to think bigger, to begin to develop a new dream. Even as I write that, it makes me smile. This all seemed HUGE to me when I started. Not only do we need a larger home, we need one that we can call our own. Essentially we’ve been renting here, and each year we have no idea if we’ll be able to continue to stay. There are hints in the air that this may be the last year the house is available. As well, for my personal well-being and health in ministry, I need a place of my own. Living here with the guys has been great, but as you can imagine, it can be taxing at times.
Our new dream? We’re initiating a building project. We would like to purchase a lot and build a house large enough for fifteen guys, with an attached apartment or house for me. Through some preliminary investigation, we’ve determined that this project will cost us in the neighbourhood of $150,000 to $200,000 USD. That seems like a lot of money (and it is), but at the same time, when I stepped out in faith three years ago, I had less that $1500 in my account. God provided the other $30,000 we needed. I have no doubt that He will continue to provide for us in this next step.
If you would like to partner with us, through a special gift or through monthly giving, to help with our building project or our monthly expenses, please contact me at . I would be pleased to provide you with more information on how you can be a part of this project.
The problem was, even after months or years of being away, many of these young guys would return to their lives on the streets. It was all they knew. Many found it difficult to transition from their lives at the boy’s home, back to life on their own; to move from a controlled environment where all their decisions were made for them, to living alone where often they had little or no support.

The home would provide for their living expenses as well as pay for their university (or equivalent) education. I wanted them to attend a church and learn what it meant to be a part of a church family, and how to use the gifts and abilities God had given them.
In 2007 that dream became a reality. After a long search, and through the generosity of supporters in Canada, I was able to secure a three year lease on a house that more than met our needs. From the moment I set foot in the front yard, I knew this was the place God had for us. It had large rooms and big windows with lots of light. It was like it had been built just for us. When it came time to furnish the house, God again provided for us in an amazing way. Each step of the way, I could see God’s hand at work.

That first year was a learning experience. We found that, although they had graduated from high school, many of the guys were not prepared to study at a university level. One of the boys was ready to leave after his first semester, after failing a number of his classes. So we hired tutors to work with the guys in the areas where they were struggling.
As well, we quickly filled all the beds in the house, and as a result had to say no to a number of young guys, due to a lack of space and finances. Tuition costs, food and other expenses have all continued to rise over the past three years. Housing and feeding ten growing guys, along with an increasing number of other young men who’ve needed help, has been a challenge. Many of the guys, both within the house and those outside who we help, are still dealing with issues and pain from their pasts. The path to freedom can be a difficult and challenging one.
Through these challenges, our vision continues. This home exists, not only to help provided each of the guys with higher education (and so hopefully break that cycle of poverty that has claimed almost everyone they know), but also to be a place where they are discipled and taught what it means to become effective followers of Jesus Christ.
Change doesn’t happen overnight. But it is our desire that these young men learn their relationship with God is a journey that will continue their entire lives; that their pasts do not have to affect their futures and that God does have a future and a purpose for them. As Paul writes in Philippians, Christ has begun a work in them that will continue until the day He returns.

If you would like to partner with us, through a special gift or through monthly giving, to help with our building project or our monthly expenses, please contact me at . I would be pleased to provide you with more information on how you can be a part of this project.
Over lunch today, I asked one of the guys where he might be, if God hadn’t started this ministry. He was quiet for a moment and then he said that it wouldn’t be anywhere good. Then we talked about how powerful it could be, both to other street kids as well as to the people of Bolivia (who tend to treat street kids as a nuisance), if there was a growing group of young men who had once lived on the streets, but who were now strong and successful. How God could use their voices to bring hope and change attitudes. Imagine the impact that could have.
I want to thank you for taking the time to consider this project. If you have any questions, as always, feel free to contact me at the above e-mail address. Thanks again!
Wow...that's going to take a lot of cupcakes. But we are with you!!! I am SO proud and honoured to call you my friend.
Ken, I'm so glad you posted this! It's great to read about the journey that God has taken you on so far.
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