Thursday, January 20, 2011

I met with the architect again today to see his preliminary drawings for the new house.  Let me just say...the guy nailed it!  I was really happy with what he came up with.  The first time we met, he just asked a bunch of questions about what it was I was looking for in the new house.  So I just talked while he took notes.  Afterwards I was trying to imagine how he was going to fit it all together.  I had nothin'...

So today when he showed me what he'd come up with, I was very surprised.  He managed to get bedrooms for fifteen guys, a study area, two bathrooms upstairs and another downstairs, a common area upstairs, a guest room downstairs, your usual living room, dining room, kitchen...a huge storage area, an upstairs deck (which we have now and love), another bedroom downstairs for whoever is helping with the guys (with a private bathroom and small outdoor patio)...all in one house.  And it doesn't feel institutional or anything.  It looks very "family" which is what we have now, and want to maintain in the new place. 

One thing I really wanted was a fairly open concept with lots of windows.  He designed the downstairs so that it's open from the living room straight through to the backyard where he's got a great patio area.  With fifteen guys, we wanted there to be different areas where the guys could go to read or study, and not feel crowded all the time.  He nailed that too.  There are different areas that the guys could go to, to have a bit more privacy.

All in all, I left his office very excited.  We're still talking about what my space will look like.  I'm not completely sure if I still want an attached apartment.  I'm thinking it might be wise to have something close by but not quite on the same property.  =)  We'll see...I'm working through the pro's and con's in my head.

So...if you want to check out these great new plans (and see a very cool 3D walk through that he's doing for us) you need to come hang out at our Bolivia Fundraising Banquet on March 6th.  It's going to be a fun night of great food (I'm cooking!) and good company!  I'll be taking everyone through what the future is going to look like for us.  Keep an eye out here at the blog if you're in the Saskatoon area...I'll be posting more information.  The tickets will be onsale soon! 

Anyhow...thanks for praying everyone!  There were other things that happened today, but I'll get to that on another day.  =) 

PS  As a completely unrelated side note...I saw a taxi today with a big decal on his back window (that's pretty normal here).  It said, "In the garden of my life, my mother is the most beautiful flower!"  I just thought, if I ever put that on the back window of my truck, my mom would probably say to my face "Aw...thank you son!  That's sweet!" all the while thinking, "Good son is an idiot..."


Amy said...

This is exciting! Cannot wait to see the plans! Although, I doubt I'll make it to your fundraising banquet... :)

Kate said...

I WILL be at the banquet and we are SO excited to see you!