Saturday, January 22, 2011

This is a copy of my friend Corina's latest update letter...

Well... should we start off with the bad?

Tonight at about 8 o’clock I was upstairs watching baby Einstein with Keiden... it was almost time for bed... Marco had a terribly long day – he left the house this morning just after 6... and still wasn’t home...

I vaguely heard loud voices outside... I didn’t really pay attention... Marco’s parents are here visiting from Peru – his dad is hard of hearing – so I thought Marco had gotten home and they were talking... When I paid closer attention – I realized the voices were angry... Looking out the window I saw a strange man... and was on my way downstairs with Keiden to see what was going on – when I met 3 delinquents with guns pointed at Marco and my inlaws – pushing and shoving them upstairs... Marco told me, “We’re being robbed... just do what they say...”

They had us on the ground (I laid down on the bed with Keiden) and wanted to know where our money and jewels were... “Blondie – give me your cell phone!” I told them it was in the other room (they didn’t take it – its held together with duct tape... they just left it!!!) One guy had the gun waving around at us... threatening to kill us if we moved... or looked at him... Poor Keiden was so scared... and would look at the man yelling, shoving Marco and his dad around (they both have lumps on their heads from being hit with the gun) and he just screamed and screamed... I tried to comfort him and hold him tight... he’d quieted for a bit then he’d get all worried and scream again.. He just couldn’t understand what was happening...

Marco’s dad has high blood pressure – the reason he couldn’t come to our wedding... so while he was on the ground, he needed some water but they wouldn’t let us get him some... While I was there trying to comfort Keiden, I just prayed that no one would get hurt... who cares in that situation about stuff... its lives that count!

They eventually left... threatening us if we came after them... while they were loading our things into their car, Marco told us to hide... and he started throwing the balcony patio furniture at them – hoping that someone might notice and stop them (sorry about the furniture Uncle Norman... they actually held up quite well)... anyhow... that made them get away quick... who knows if they would have come back in for another load otherwise...

What all did they take? Well... they held Marco up when he was parking his truck... kicked him on the ground... and searched him... they took his wedding ring, wallet, some $, documents, keys, bank card... and $900 of El Jordan’s money that he had just gotten out of the bank... Marco’s mom had gone to the gate to help close it... and she got held by her hair and gun point by another guy...

When they had us all lying down... they took the TV, DVD, my vacuum (!!!), our computer... They tried to take Keiden’s music – but his shelf is screwed into the wall (thanks Dad!) and they couldn’t get the cords untangled... The worst is that we had $2000 US (not counting the $900 he had just gotten out of the bank) and 2000 bs. for the boy’s project – tomorrow Marco was supposed to finish paying the dumptruck company for the 50 loads of fill, pay the tractor that leveled it all out... and buy iron that they need for the walls – because our builder says that there is a rumour that iron is going to go up in price and possibly get scarce... All that money was taken...

They even took Keiden’s diaper bag. What is worse than him losing his shoes, bottles and his favorite stuffed dog (!) is that he is so scared... After the robbers left, in his 1 ½ year old language he’d tell me his worried story... and bang his head with his hand... showing me what the “bad men” had done... Heidi stayed with him while Marco and I went to the police station – and he didn’t want out to venture anywhere alone... and any noise made him scared... So you can pray for him... that God will give his little being peace...

Is there good news?

Yes... I thought they had stolen the laptop I take back and forth to El Jordan... We had our first lunch/meeting with our volunteers at El Jordan today so I had my computer over there today... I brought it home... and thought I had left it on the dining room table (that is usually my office at home)... but I had actually left it under a sweater I took for Keiden today just in case it got cold, in my uncle’s room... That is where they had us lying down... without the light turned on so we wouldn’t look at their faces... So... I am SO thankful I didn’t lose all of my info, reports etc that I’ve been working on... and my e-mail addresses – although not up to date because I didn’t use this computer for my letters... I still have the majority... If you know of anyone who has changed their address in the last 8 or 10 months who was on my update list I’d appreciate you sending it to me so I can get it up to date again...

We were worried about them having taken Marco’s truck keys because it has the house keys on it as well... but when I went outside to look for them “just in case” – they had been dropped in some little weeds at the edge of the driveway... Thank you God!

Some other VERY good news? Marco’s dad has military background... 78 years old – his instincts kicked in... and he actually gave a really good kick to the very surprised robber... who lost his balance and dropped his gun... Another guy jumped in – and shot twice at my father-in-law’s head... The gun just went “click, click”... (that’s when he got hit over the head with the revolver) ...but when the robbers were getting away they started shooting again – but this time bullets flew... hmm... It kind of reminds me of a similar story – when someone wanted to steal my truck – shot at me twice – but the gun just went “click, click”... when he was making his get-away, he shot into the air – and his gun worked! What else can we say – but THANK YOU GOD!!! ...and praise Him for his Love, Mercy and Tender Care... What better news can you get than that!!?!

Please pray for my in-laws... they aren’t Christians...and we hope and pray that even this experience might bring them face to face with Christ...

... for Marco – who is having a hard time with the fact that someone shot at and then hit his dad... ...for the boy’s project money that was stolen and needs to be replaced... for El Jordan’s replacement bank card to get here quickly...and for Keiden to forget this scary experience...

Thank you for praying for us... we felt God’s hand tonight... and we thank you... and Him...

Corina for Marco and Keiden

Just one more reason why your prayers for us are important.  Thanks for praying!


Amy said...

Oh my gosh. That's terrifying... Thank GOD everyone is OK...

Carolyn said...

What an awesome God we have! Ken, please pass on a hug from the Schmidts, and let them know we are praying!


swilek said...

wow...that is incredibly scary...will be praying...thanks for letting us know ken

Kate said...

I can't believe this. Praise God that you are all ok. Prayers are coming from all over the world!