I haven’t been here for a few days. No real reason except I knew people were wondering about my Typhoid/health issues and I didn’t really have any answers. I’m not sure I have any real answers now mind you either...but I can report that I’m feeling better, so I guess that’s good.
My Typhoid’s been done for a couple of weeks, more or less. But the day after I finished my Typhoid meds, the ol’ body decided to rebel against...something...and stopped accepting food. So I went for a week and a half not eating anything. And when I say not eating anything...I do actually mean not eating anything. There was the occasional day when I could eat a few crackers, but most days there was nothing I could keep down. The unfortunate part was that I still felt hungry. Really, REALLY hungry. It made me grumpy. Really, REALLY grumpy.
I finally got in to see a specialist and he decided to do the stick a camera on the end of a big black tube and stick it down my throat thing. He got some nice pictures of the inside of my stomach. At this rate I’m going to have a decent collections of pictures of my insides (I also have a nice image of my kidneys...or kidney as the case may be...and my bladder).
Anyhow, the pictures showed that the wall of my stomach was inflamed and had a number of lesions, which was why I couldn’t keep any food down. Supposedly this isn’t a result of the Typhoid, but the coincidence is suspicious in my mind. The nice doctor gave me a month supply of pills that I have to take before each meal. I learned the hard way yesterday that there will be no sneaking of food in between meal times. Jell-O is still not my friend it seems.
The only upside to this past month has been that I lost 18 lbs in a couple of weeks. It’d be nice if I could say I’m now skinny, but skinnier will have to do. I was looking in my closet the other day and I saw a shirt that I’d...ahem...outgrew. I was like, “Hey, I bet that’ll fit me now!” And it did. It’s loose in fact. It made me happy.
You can pray for us though. It’s actually been a pretty tiring month for me. This being sick thing isn’t that much fun. This all started fairly soon after we had those spiritual attacks, and it didn’t feel like I had much time to recover from one thing before the next started.
As well, most of the guys are doing fine, but a couple of them are being...dumb. That’s kind of wearing me out too. I’m still trying to figure out what to do. It’s nothing huge, but it still has to be dealt with. I had a couple days there where it felt like there was a pretty heavy weight on my shoulders. One night I just had to get out of the house or it felt like my head was going to explode. It was interesting though, a lot of people were praying that night and the next day, and in the morning, it was like a different house. We were all doing much better.
At any rate, that’s where we’re at. If you don’t mind, I’d appreciate prayer for spiritual protection, for wisdom and patience and a sense of unity here at the house. The guys are finishing up exams, so pray for them as well.
Thanks everyone! We’re just putting the finishing touches on an update letter and a little video about the ministry here. We’ll be sending them out soon, and if you’d like a copy, feel free to e-mail me at ken.switzer@iteams.org and I’ll make sure you get a copy!
My Typhoid’s been done for a couple of weeks, more or less. But the day after I finished my Typhoid meds, the ol’ body decided to rebel against...something...and stopped accepting food. So I went for a week and a half not eating anything. And when I say not eating anything...I do actually mean not eating anything. There was the occasional day when I could eat a few crackers, but most days there was nothing I could keep down. The unfortunate part was that I still felt hungry. Really, REALLY hungry. It made me grumpy. Really, REALLY grumpy.
I finally got in to see a specialist and he decided to do the stick a camera on the end of a big black tube and stick it down my throat thing. He got some nice pictures of the inside of my stomach. At this rate I’m going to have a decent collections of pictures of my insides (I also have a nice image of my kidneys...or kidney as the case may be...and my bladder).
Anyhow, the pictures showed that the wall of my stomach was inflamed and had a number of lesions, which was why I couldn’t keep any food down. Supposedly this isn’t a result of the Typhoid, but the coincidence is suspicious in my mind. The nice doctor gave me a month supply of pills that I have to take before each meal. I learned the hard way yesterday that there will be no sneaking of food in between meal times. Jell-O is still not my friend it seems.
The only upside to this past month has been that I lost 18 lbs in a couple of weeks. It’d be nice if I could say I’m now skinny, but skinnier will have to do. I was looking in my closet the other day and I saw a shirt that I’d...ahem...outgrew. I was like, “Hey, I bet that’ll fit me now!” And it did. It’s loose in fact. It made me happy.
You can pray for us though. It’s actually been a pretty tiring month for me. This being sick thing isn’t that much fun. This all started fairly soon after we had those spiritual attacks, and it didn’t feel like I had much time to recover from one thing before the next started.
As well, most of the guys are doing fine, but a couple of them are being...dumb. That’s kind of wearing me out too. I’m still trying to figure out what to do. It’s nothing huge, but it still has to be dealt with. I had a couple days there where it felt like there was a pretty heavy weight on my shoulders. One night I just had to get out of the house or it felt like my head was going to explode. It was interesting though, a lot of people were praying that night and the next day, and in the morning, it was like a different house. We were all doing much better.
At any rate, that’s where we’re at. If you don’t mind, I’d appreciate prayer for spiritual protection, for wisdom and patience and a sense of unity here at the house. The guys are finishing up exams, so pray for them as well.
Thanks everyone! We’re just putting the finishing touches on an update letter and a little video about the ministry here. We’ll be sending them out soon, and if you’d like a copy, feel free to e-mail me at ken.switzer@iteams.org and I’ll make sure you get a copy!
What can I say? You seriously have the craziest things happen to you like every day. We pray for you daily for a range of things. I thinkn God pretty much knows that when we pray for you He better cover then entire gambit of health/language/patience/spiritual attacks/boys being dumb. You always told me that no matter the words that come out of our mouths in prayer, God always knows out hearts. I am banking on that because sometimes I can't cram everything in! LOL Be well my friend. God has it covered.
Note to self: Proof read stuff before you hit the send button. It makes you look smrter.
Second note to self: Hope that people get the obscure Simpsons references.
Ha ha...I thought your notes to self were aimed at me and I was like, "I DID proof read it! And there were no obscure Simpson's references! I think Kate's losin' it..." But then I realized you were actually talking to yourself. So I deleted the comment I was writing... =)
Thanks for praying Kate!
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