Friday, November 5, 2010

Okay, so it's official.  Typhoid sucks.  I mean a lot.  Not even kidding.  It's been two weeks of crackers and the occasional Cup o' Soup.  Even jello is iffy some days.  Come on...jello.  Who can't eat jello?!  Bill would be so disappointed. 

The only upside is that I've lost six kilos so far.  Which I guess is a good thing.  But I have to admit...I'm still kind of disappointed.  Two weeks!  Crackers!  I should be skinny by now.  But I needed to lose about twice that, so maybe that's the problem.  I blame Canada.  I do okay with the weight thing (for me) until I go home.  Once I'm there though?  All bets are off.  I lay in bed in the mornings thinking about what fast food restaurant I'm going to eat at.  It makes me happy.  But like most things that make me happy, there are consequences.  At the rate I'm going though, those other six kilos should be coming off in no time.

Anyhow, back to the Typhoid.  I went to the doctor today and he told me that the bacterial count in my blood is down.  Which means I'm getting better...even if my stomach doesn't quite agree yet.  This week was interesting.  Wednesday was a rough day...but then yesterday was okay.  Today?  Not so good again.  Oh least my bacterial count is down.  You know...that makes me feel much better.

The only other thing that makes me happy is that at least this time my disease has a good name.  I hate when I get some random tropical whatever that makes me feel terrible, but no one quite knows what it is.  This time though?  People are like, "Whoa, seriously?  Typhoid?  So sorry dude!"  And I'm like, "I know!"  Well, excpet for the guys in the house....they're mostly, "Ken!  What's for supper?" or "Ken!  Buy us some pop!"  But I still know that deep down...deep, deep down...they care and feel bad that I'm sick. 

Oh last thing...I'm really enjoying the fact that having Typhoid gives me a good response for a lot of things that annoy me.  I just yell, "Shut up!  I have Typhoid!"  Tonight for example?  David kept bugging me about what I was going to cook him for supper.  I kept telling him that if I can't eat it, I'm sure not going to cook it.  That however, did not seem to be good enough for him. 

Finally I was like, "Okay...I'll cook supper for you.  But remember, I got Typhoid because someone else who had it, prepared the food I ate.  So if you're okay with getting Typhoid, I'll go cook you your supper."  Then I coughed a couple of times for emphasis.  He hesitated for a moment (and I would really love to know what went through his head in that second, "Hmnm....Typhoid...supper..."), but then in the end he decided to leave me alone.   

At any rate, I do want to say thanks to all of you who've written and who've been praying.  I appreciate that.  It's always nice to know people back home are thinking about me.  =)  To be completely honest, this whole thing has been a bit taxing physically and emotionally.  If you've been following along here, you know that we came off of a fairly intense couple of week spiritually, and then bang...along comes the Typhoid.  I'm feeling the need for a vacation...even though (at the same time) I feel like I'm not doing enough.  It's a bit tiring.

But like all things, this too will pass.  It's certainly not the end of the world.  Like I said, thanks for praying.  I appreciate it.  I'll let you know how things go, and feel free to continue sending some sympathy my way...

...'Cause you know...I have Typhoid...  =)


Kate said...

Dude, welcome to pregnancy. I yakked for 4 months straight with Wyatt and all I heard was "What's for supper?! Aw man, no meat AGAIN? When are you going to quit puking at the sight of meat?" And I was all "Dude, if you want me to cook it I will. And I'll puke. You do the math. Still want it?" So in short, yeah, I totally feel for you. Get better quick! And be careful...that poundage is going to come back in spades when you get better. Been there.

Ken said...

Lol...thanks Kate. Hopefully it won't come back until I'm home and enjoying the food there. =)

Kate said...

I will totally cook for you again. Anything you want. As long as you don't bring the Typhoid.