Tuesday, October 19, 2010

There are a million things I should probably be writing here.  It's been an interesting week for sure.  "Interesting", however, tends to mean "Ken get's no sleep".  So I've been pretty tired.  Everytime I start to write something down, I get a paragraph in and then lose interest.  =)  So I have a bunch of sort of started posts...

Anyhow...I'll get to them at some point.  I did want to ask you to pray for Yimy though.  He broke his nose playing soccer yesterday and didn't tell me until he got home from classes tonight.  It's...definitely broken.  So we're heading into the hospital tomorrow to see if they can...well...make it straight again.  I'm not anticipating a happy time for Yimy.

So, if you can pray about that for him, I'm sure he'd appreciate it.  I'll be back this week I promise, with all kinds of great stories and whatever....  =)

UPDATE:  They're going to do some tests this week to make sure Yimy is fine being knocked out, and then on Friday afternoon they're going to try and fix him up.  He had the option of a local anesthetic or a general (the go to sleep kind)...the local is about half the price of the general, by the way...but the look on Yimy's face definitely said he wanted to be unconscious when this all goes down.  So...general it was. 

You can pray for Yimy...he's definitely nervous.  =)  He's never had anything like this done before.  But the doctor says it's pretty routine and there shouldn't be any problems.  The doctor, by the way, is quite an attractive lady and a Christian as it turns out.  She has an engagement ring, but...well...you know.  I told Yimy he needs to find out how all that is working out for her.  I told him he'd better not get all distracted by the drugs and someone wrentching his nose around...he's got a duty to perform.  Sadly, I'm not holding out much hope.

Anyhow...yea, Yimy and his nose.  I'll keep you updated.  Thanks for praying everyone!  =)


Kate said...

Ouch! Reminds me of several action movies where the hero resets his own nose. Crunch!

Patricia said...

Hope everything goes well with Yimy.

swilek said...

and the doctor!! hehehe!