Think back (waaaay back for some of you) for a moment to when you were six or seven years old. Or if you have kids, think of who they were (are) at that age. Think about what your biggest worries were or how you spent your days. What made you happy or what made you sad.
Now imagine what it would have been like if you were alone...if you had no parents or family, no house to live in. If you had no idea where lunch or supper was going to come from, or where you were going to sleep that night. Imagine spending many of your most formative years living without any adult guiding or helping or teaching you.
Even now, it’s difficult for me to imagine what that would be like. It’s so foreign to me. I don’t think it’s possible to have those kinds of experiences without there being scars left behind...emotional, spiritual and even physical scars. Those scars don’t go away easily.
Fortunately our God specializes in healing. In the past six months here at the house, we’ve seen God bring more healing and changes in the guys, than probably in the two years prior. Many of the guys have grown significantly. And of course that’s something to be excited about. But there are challenges that go along with this kind of healing. It’s often accompanied with pain and discouragement. Dealing with the past is not an easy thing.
Satan is alive and well in the culture of the streets. Sometimes his work is subtle and conniving. Other times it’s overt and in your face. In the last week or so, we’ve really seen the results of that. Last February we discovered that one of the guys was dealing with...well, demonic possession is really the only way to put it. You can read about that experience
here. (I just re-read that post and realized I changed some of the details to make it sound like it was someone from outside the house. Since then it's become fairly known here that it was one of the guys. So...just ignore that part. At the time it seemed like a good idea...).
Last week it happened again. I was talking with him about another topic, but when I encouraged him to pray and take spiritual authority over what was happening in his life, it brought out the same demonic influences. The passage in Matthew 12 that talks about demons returning to a house they had occupied comes to mind. I don’t think we were careful enough or prepared really, for the aftermath of what happened the first time.
I woke up two of the guys, who joined me in praying for this young guy. It was pretty much the same experience as last time. One thing I’d noticed in February, was that it seemed the demons were responding to things I said in English (this guy would react to things I said in English, even though he doesn’t understand the language) I tried that again.
Many times this young guy would suddenly fall asleep and wouldn’t respond to anything. So in English I just said, in the name of Jesus he needed to wake up. I didn’t shout or yell...I just said it in a normal voice. His eyes popped open and he jumped like someone poked him with an electrical cable. It was interesting... the other two guys with me both noticed what had happened as well.
By about 3:30 AM we were all getting tired and we reached a point where things were calm, but I wasn’t convinced, resolved. We packed in and I called our pastor to come and pray with us during the week. He did, and he, myself and this fellow sat down one afternoon to pray some more. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but again, as soon as we began praying for him, everything manifested the same as before...although maybe a bit less intensely.
We prayed for about an hour with him, and eventually he was fine. He was able to pray and speak normally, and he seemed much more at peace. We put a plan into place to help him more over the coming days and weeks, and to watch more closely how he’s doing.
A few days later he did have another tough night, although I would classify that night as a spiritual attack I think, not the same as before. But it was intense for sure...uncontrolled fear and depression...that sort of thing. It was very emotional. But we worked our way through it, and he was able to pray and take spiritual authority over what was happening to him. Once he did that, he became quite calm very quickly.
Then as that issue was resolving itself, another one came up. A different guy and I sat down to work through the “Steps to Freedom”. It’s a series of steps that help you deal with things in your past and experience freedom from them. People have different opinions on the effectiveness of these steps, but I’ve found them to be very helpful in identifying personal issues and helping a person understand them and move on. For me they’ve been very useful.
It’s interesting though, each time I’ve gone through them with someone, a different step or area has come to the forefront. I’m never quite sure what to expect. The night this fellow and I started going through the steps was no different. It usually takes about three hours to get through all seven steps. In three and a half hours that night, we made it through step one. Obviously I can’t go into details, but suffice it to say that I was once again surprised at Satan’s ingenuity. How he manages to insert himself into a person’s life in order to wield influence is incredible sometimes.
Again, it was good what took place, but man, I came out of that emotionally drained. And we have six steps more to cover. We didn’t even get to the big ones yet. The first step is usually the easiest...the warm up step, shall we say. =) The biggest victory that night though, was that this young guy opened up about some things from his past...things he’s never talked about. Trust is a huge issue for him, so that night was a major breakthrough.
Finally, Saturday night another of the guys came to me and told me about some things he’s been experiencing. As he spoke, I realized that there were some strong demonic influences in his life as well. Horrific dreams, waking up and not being able to breathe or move, the sense of someone else in the room with him. He’s another of the boys who’s had some strong satanic involvement in his past life on the streets...very similar to the first guy. So we’ll need to sit down this week and talk about some of it as well, to see what exactly is happening.
To top this off, all weekend I’ve been going through one weird health thing after another. At one point I was like,
“Can Satan mess with your physical body? It sure seems like it!” I’m not sure what the answer is to that one, but it’s been strange. Either way, the health stuff had been contributing to me feeling kind of worn out. I’m doing mostly fine emotionally (okay...except for getting grumpy just now when someone ate my food from lunch that I didn’t get around to eating then, but that I wanted now...) and I’m doing okay spiritually as well. I’m just kind of tuckered out. That’s a good Saskatchewan farm boy word.
So if you could take a moment and pray for us that would be great. We definitely need that support and protection. As I said, there are more things we need to do, to deal with the consequences of some of the guy’s involvement with demonic activities in their past lives on the streets. I’m confident of the victory we have in Christ...that’s not a worry at all. But again, it can be draining. In the midst of all of this, the day to day activities of the house and life with ten other guys continues. So there are moments when I feel like I’m getting pulled in a couple (or more) different directions.
So... as I said, the healing continues. God is working and no matter how difficult it is at times, that’s always a good thing! Thanks everyone, for taking the time to read this and to pray. I appreciate it...your prayers makes a huge difference down here. I’ll keep you updated on how things go. By the way, thanks for praying for Yimy and his nose. =) He’s doing well, but he’s getting more and more frustrated and tired of the bandages. They come off Thursday, so that’ll be a happy day.
Thanks again!