Supper was entertaining tonight. I made tacos. Everyone who comes here from North America is always surprised that we don't eat tacos. Most North Americans associate Mexican food with all of South America. Truth is...people here generally don't know what tacos...or fajitas or whatever...are. My guys had no idea. So tonight was a bit of a treat for us. I thought I'd share the moment with all of you... =)
Anyhow...not sure anyone really cares what we ate for supper. But I shared anyhow. The guys want to know when we're eating them again, but I think it'll be awhile. It wasn't exactly a cheap meal...we could have practically flown to Mexico for what the Old El Paso crispy taco shells cost. But it was tasty, so who cares. Sandro said there was a party in his stomach. I think that's good.
Anyhow...that's all. Go back to whatever you were doing before.
I demonstrated how to make the tacos, but Eduardo
was having a problem eating the crispy tacos.
He solved that problem by making a crispy taco...
...and wrapping it in a soft taco.
Always thinking that kid...
Roberto with his mouth full...
I told the guys if they liked the food they'd better smile...or else.
Of course Andres made a point of not smiling...
...but he mostly just looks confused by the food...
He never manages to look serious for too long...
Eduardo was still going strong long after the rest of us were gone...
Anyhow...not sure anyone really cares what we ate for supper. But I shared anyhow. The guys want to know when we're eating them again, but I think it'll be awhile. It wasn't exactly a cheap meal...we could have practically flown to Mexico for what the Old El Paso crispy taco shells cost. But it was tasty, so who cares. Sandro said there was a party in his stomach. I think that's good.
Anyhow...that's all. Go back to whatever you were doing before.
I am making jam...and I do have to get back to it but first tell Eduardo that the whole crispy taco within a soft taco is a Taco Bell thing and it is GENIUS! They put liquid cheese in between. Can you tell me a more heavenly combination?
I thought about that actually as he was doing it. =) No liquid cheese though...
Oh Sam...just tacos. =) Let's see, it cost me about $50 to buy the shells and cheese and taco mix. It's the first time I've seen it down here in a long time. AND we bought sour cream...first time EVER here in Santa Cruz (that I've seen).'s a big deal. =) Eduardo wasn't so much a slow eater and he just kept eating... =)
I made the guys watch the final Olympic Canada vs. USA game with me at a friend's house (who had cable). They kind of understood it. We also have a bunch of floor hockey sticks here that a team brought, so we've played road hockey a couple of times.
We don't have a dog, but the guys feed the dog across the street all the time, so he sits at our front gate all day waiting. He's a nice enough dog...but he barks too much at night.
There you go...all the answers you needed. Thanks for praying guys! We appreciate it!
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