Friday, September 3, 2010

I spent the afternoon driving around the city trying to find a place that rents ladders.  Believe it or not...after four or five hours of this...we still don't have a ladder.  People were very helpful with the directions of where they thought there might be a rental place...they always are.  Even if they have no idea what you're talking about.  The thing is, there's a problem with our roof and/or eves trough.  So water runs down inside the wall and causes all our paint to peal off.  It's annoying.  And since rainy season is just around the corner...we'd like to fix it.  Sandro figured he could monkey it out an upstairs window and climb up onto the roof, but I vetoed the idea.  If you've ever been here, you know our house is really high.  Even monkeys/Sandro's occasionally fall to their deaths.

The only other thing worth mentioning is that I let Jimmy drive today.  He has his licence so it makes sense to give him the opportunity to practice.  It's funny...after twenty some years, I still remember being annoyed at my Dad for correcting my driving and getting tense when I didn't really think there was a reason to be tense.  Hmm...sorry Dad.  Now I understand.  Although...I'm pretty sure I never made a left hand turn from the centre lane on a major road in front of a long line of cars.  Or came to within about an inch and a half scraping past a city bus.  Or made a right hand turn rather wide and put two wheels up onto the centre boulevard. 

Jimmy, on the other hand...

Jimmy's actually a pretty good driver.  He just needs to practice and stop trying to do what he sees every other idiot on the road down here doing.

Tomorrow I'm off to the STD clinic.  Not with anyone from here mind you.  Just thought I should clarify.  A friend of a friend needs some help and guidance.  Seems he made a mistake along the way.  He's young and scared.  I'm mostly there to drive and provide moral support.  It's always entertaining hanging out with thirty or fourty prostitute ladies who keep staring at you like you're a side of beef.  Well...maybe entertaining's not quite the right word.  At least I'm more relaxed now than the first time I went.  I probably told every person in the place, "Hi, I'm a missionary!" thirty or fourty times 'cause I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea.  It got old really fast.  Now I just bring a book.

Anyhow...that's my life.  I'm also having lunch tomorrow with a young guy I know from way back when.  He disappeared for quite a while...turned out he was in jail.  But we've reconnected.  I haven't seen him for a few months now, but he called me up today.  I'd been thinking about him a lot lately (I'd lost his number so I couldn't call him) so it was good to hear his voice.  I imagine I'll get the lowdown on what's been going on.  He's a good kid, but lots of issues still from his past.  Also, I didn't hear from the girl from last night, so hopefully she'll call tomorrow as well.

Well, that's it.  Thanks for praying everyone!


Kate said...

This one made me laugh. I can picture the driving lesson and it vaguely reminds me of things YOU have done as a fully practised driving adult so try not to get too tense with him. Also nice to see your judgement has improved and you vetoed the whole climbing on the roof thing. Didn't we climb a really big tree to get a cool picture once? Whatever, we all lived.

Ken said...

Didn't we get a 7 month pregnant lady to climb the tree too? Although, she was pretty will...not sure if that can really be put on our shoulders.

The judgement has improved in some areas. Others...not so much...

Ken said...

Didn't we get a 7 month pregnant lady to climb the tree too? Although, she was pretty will...not sure if that can really be put on our shoulders.

The judgement has improved in some areas. Others...not so much...