Monday, September 20, 2010

Just a little update on the whole "burry the placenta in the backyard" deal (see below if you don't know what I'm talking about), 'cause, you know...I'm sure you want to hear more about this.  So yesterday I'm in my truck talking to a young friend who had a baby boy about a year ago.  I figure...what the heck, I want to know if this is standard procedure here.  So I ask him...

"Efrain...this is kind of a weird question, but when your son was born, did they give you the placenta?"


"Really?  What did you do with it?"

"We burried it in the garden."



Then he starts going on and on about the bad people who throw it in the garbage and how terrible that is.  Yimy, who's driving and who's the only person down here who knows what actually happened to our placenta, doesn't crack a smile or anything...he just starts talking...

"Really?!  In the garbage?  People actually throw it in the garbage?  That's terrible!" 

And he just keeps my friend going on and on about how bad this is, while I sit in the passenger seat and contemplate all the bad things I'm going to do Yimy as soon as there's opportunity.

Finally I confessed to my friend what I did to our bag of placenta.  He was quite for a moment and then said,

"'s not really that bad..."

Yea, whatever.  Yimy's in for a world of pain.


alittlebitograce said...

what? you mean you didn't put it in the freezer or encapsulate it or make placenta prints? you just threw it away? really?

seriously, i can't stop laughing. the birth/placenta posts are cracking me up. :)

Kendra Joy said...

Ahaha leave it to Yimy =p

swilek said...

too funny ken...oh my goodness! do you know why they bury the placenta in their backyards? makes me wonder what they do with the placentas up here in Canada!:)