Wednesday, March 24, 2010


We just had our first good snowball fight of 2010.  Even though the guys finally clued into ganging up on me, they still weren't very successful.  It's strange...they grew up on the streets, while I grew up in rural Saskatchewan...but I can still pretty much out-fight them everytime. snowball fights anyhow.  We haven't gotten around to weapons yet.

Even Maribel (who works here) learned quickly that there are no innocent bystanders in a snowball fight.  Yimy got her first when her back was turned and then blamed it on me.  I fervently denied it, but I don't think she really believed me.  So I hit her with some more snow and told her that one was from me.  Then she threw the remote control from the TV at me.  Ah, Bolivians...they don't really get the concept of a snowball fight.  But *sigh* I try...

As a side note, I actually did introduce the concept of frost-bite here once.  I was icing Andres' leg after a futbol game and kind of forgot about it.  When I remembered, the skin was already starting to turn purple.  I asked him why he didn't move the icepack and if it was hurting.  He said that yes it hurt, but he figured it was supposed to.  The next day he had blisters.

But fortunately I was able to use it as a learning experience and explained that this was what happened to people in Canada in the winter, if they stay outside too much without proper clothing.  He was duly impressed once again with how stupid people must be to want to live in Canada. 

One other note before I leave you.  In my never-ending quest to get into shape (stop really is never-ending)...I joined a pool.  I'm not sure if that's how you put it exactly, but basically Jorge (a buddy of mine) and I signed up to go swimming three times a week.  We even bought goggles and those rubber head cover things.  Apparently it's a rule. 

Oh, did I mention what time?

Yea...7 AM.

I went today.  Is that good enough do you think?  I'm thinking it is.  About the third time down the pool it started to stretch out before me like it does in the movies when they want to give the impression that something is really, really far away.  Who knew that actually happens in real life. 

I watched the guy in the next lane put on his rubber head thing (I found out that you really do feel better when everyone has to look like idiots together), and I remember thinking, "Okay, he's old.  At least I won't be the worst one here!" 

So it turns out the old guy was like half dolphin or something.  He was doing that swim that only people in the Olympics know how to do where you swing your arms over your head at the same time and your body half comes out of the water.  It was impressive.  I quietly changed lanes with Jorge while he wasn't paying attention.  Sorry, but I don't want to be in the lane next to the crazy old man who swims like that Phelps guy.

In the end it was mostly kind of fun, and I probably will give it a try again next Friday.  I felt better when I realized I actually wasn't the worst swimmer in the pool.  There was a little old grandma on the other side using one of those floater boards.  Man, she was slow!  I pretty much blew her out of the water. 

Well, thanks for taking the time to read my random thoughts about nothing.  I'll try to post something a little more significant next time.  =) 

Oh...and before a bunch of people write and express amazement and surprise that it snows here...we were defrosting the freezer (which we haven't done in a really long time), so there was lots of frost to make snowballs.  Slightly freezer-burnt smelling snowballs, but still...


Kate said...

As soon as I saw the word "snowball" I started thinking "Ok, wait for it...wait for it..." I had all kinds of possibilities going through my head...crushed up ice cubes, someone spilled a slush, that sticky fake plastic stuff you can get at the hardware store. Aahhh, defrosting the freezer. Nice. That, along with someone throwing a remote control at you and me picturing you in one of those swimming caps just made my day. I like your posts about nothing.

alittlebitograce said...

can't...stop...laughing....i have come to realise that no matter what you write about, i will probably laugh hysterically at some point. typically though your posts often prompt me to pray as well. and i have to agree with kate, i was also waiting for the punch line. :)

Wiebe Family said...

Isn't that always what the old guy tells himself, that he "can still pretty much out-fight them everytime" Such a 'Dad'

Kate said...

Oh yeah, that's rich. Ken's proud of his ability to out-snowball-fight the guys and they're the ones who have never even seen snow. You're the man Ken. LOL