Thursday, December 3, 2009


Yes, yes I's been a month since I've posted anything.  Funny how that coincides with my parents visit here.  =)  I have lots to say, but it'll have to wait until Friday after they leave.  Tomorrow's our last day together and we've got some fun things planned.  In the evening we've got a big BBQ planned (Bolivia style) and I've got a Mariachi band coming to play for them.  That parts a surprise, but since they won't be looking at my blog before tomorrow night, it doesn't matter what I write here.  =)

The only other thing to say is that we've been decorating like crazy for Christmas.  The house looks amazing.  It helps that Ma and Pa have bought me about five times the decorations I had last year.  David says it looks like Papa Noel's house  (Santa Claus).  But he also appreciates the decorations the most.  He wants to move his bed into the dining room.  =)  All the guys like the decorations, but to varying degrees they don't all care that much.  =)  But that's okay...David and I like them.  Oh...and my Mom does too... I said, I'll be back with lots of pics and stories after Friday.  So...for the ten of you who are still faithfully coming here (thanks Kyle and Natasha) check back then.  =)


Anonymous said...

HOORAY! you ARE alive! Haha it's funny how you titled your post "It's officially been a month" because that's exactly what I've been thinking.. but for different reasons =p Same day and everything!
I'm glad you had a fantastic time with your parents and I hope to hear all about it soon!
-Kendra Joy

Wiebe Family said...

You are sick and have a broken toe, so you should be blogging:)

Ken said...

Yea...the last thing I feel like doing is blogging... =) But check out the's kind of fun!

Oh, and by the way...I'm fine.

Thanks for asking.

Wiebe Family said...

oh ya, sorry i forgot to ask if you were ok?!? Anyway, watched the video, pretty neat, can't believe the fireworks were just random fans....crazy!

im waiting for your great big post....